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Sunday, February 11, 2007


This Weeks Astronomy Roundup (1)

Stuart leads off with news of progress with the Plank Spacecraft, which will probe the cosmic microwave background more closely than before. The Bad Astronomer has a marvelous post on gamma rays from monster stars, Tom gets excited by Ulysses visiting the South Pole of the Sun.
Both Tom and the Bad Astronomer get excited by Hubbles images of Abell S0740, but only Tom offers Able wallpapers. Tag Starhops down memory lane.

Over at the Planetary Society Weblog, guest blogger John Spencer talks about the scramble to find an alternative camera to the fritzed ACS, so Hubble can support the New Horizons flyby. Worryingly, glitches have been reported in the High Resolution Imaging Science Experiment (HiRISE) on board Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter

Cassini has discovered a cloud the size of Australia on the north pole of Titan. Enceladus is sandblasting neighbouring Moons, and the early Earth has its temperature taken.

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